
Instagram influencer

Instagram influencer? Reality or impossible? Instagram influencer?    - I'm not sure how each of you thought about Instagram. 99% of the time it was because someone from the circle of friends used it and had a lot of fun. That leaves the thought, "Okay, why not?". As far back as I remember, it was just a matter of posting pictures. Nothing else. However, some have recognized the potential behind it immediately. They started to build a very strong fanbase at a time when it was not yet known as "mainstream" and so they were well on their way to becoming an Instagram influencer. The largest majority, Instagram understood only at a later date, with many than only began to build a community. However, many believe that it is already too late. Since there are now so many users (800 million users per month), the competition has increased significantly. That's why most beginners think, Build Fan Base. We at  are convinced that it is possible. Y